The enanthate variant of testosterone was first described in the early 1950s when it had landed on the market and experienced increasing use shortly thereafter. This was the very first injectable testosterone ester preparation that gave slower release rates. Before the development of Testosterone Enanthate, the most commonly used forms were either unesterified Testosterone (Testosterone Suspension) or the faster-acting Testosterone Propionate, which has a half-life of about 4.5 days, requiring more frequent injections that may be inconvenient for many. As such, Testosterone Enanthate quickly replaced Testosterone Propionate as the testosterone chosen by the medical facility in the West, as well as athletes and bodybuilders who use it for bodybuilding performance and improvement. In the United States, Delatestryl made by Squibb was the very first testosterone Enanthate product to be marketed and it is manufactured and marketed today only under various drug manufacturers who have purchased the rights to market the name. Most recently in 2005, for example, Indevus was the latest pharmaceutical company to manufacture and market the drug. Internationally (outside of North America, for the most part), the Testosterone Enanthate brand is known as Testoviron, which, unlike Delatestryl, has been manufactured by Schering since its inception over 50 years ago. Ultimately, the Testoviron brand is the most popular and widely used testosterone Enanthate product in the world.
In the medical field, testosterone enanthate is used almost exclusively to treat hypogonadism and andropause (two conditions in which adult men produce insufficient levels of testosterone endogenously). In some minor cases, it is also used as a treatment for delayed puberty men and as puberty stimulation. More rare treatments that Testosterone Enanthate is used in include breast cancer treatment in women. Testosterone Enanthate has also been carefully studied in its proposed use as a male birth control treatment. In such cases, it has been established that a weekly dose of 200 mg would have effectively reduced sperm production in most men, although 3 months of consistent use were required before significant changes in sperm production and motility were seen. This suppression of spermatogenesis was found to persist as long as Testosterone Enanthate was administered and returned slowly to normal after cessation of use. However, it is highly unlikely that Testosterone Enanthate will ever be released and marketed as such due to the enormous amount of irrational stigma and hysteria associated with anabolic steroids in the current Western social climate, which is very unfortunate. However, different nations and cultures in Eastern Europe and in Eastern Austria have shown a much more acceptable approach to its use than in the West. However, it is highly unlikely that Testosterone Enanthate will ever be released and marketed as such due to the enormous amount of irrational stigma and hysteria associated with anabolic steroids in the current Western social climate, which is very unfortunate. However, different nations and cultures in Eastern Europe and in Eastern Austria have shown a much more acceptable approach to its use than in the West. However, it is highly unlikely that Testosterone Enanthate will ever be released and marketed as such due to the enormous amount of irrational stigma and hysteria associated with anabolic steroids in the current Western social climate, which is very unfortunate. However, different nations and cultures in Eastern Europe and in Eastern Austria have shown a much more acceptable approach to its use than in the West.
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