A large number of steroids that fill the shelves have made it increasingly necessary for steroid users to have a detailed account of the drug they plan to use for their benefits.
Today we are going to discuss a well known steroid that has made its mark in the steroid world due to its very effective and long lasting results. It is commonly known as Equipoise.
Equipoise is the market name for a very popular veterinary injectable compound called Boldenone Undecylenate. It is synthetically derived from testosterone and is known to consist of strong anabolic properties but weak androgenic character. When this compound was first manufactured, it was used precisely on horses to improve their appetite, body weight and throughout the body. With changing times, this steroid began to be combined with other anabolic androgenic compounds to develop quality muscle mass and increase muscle strength. It is for this reason that this steroid came to be used extensively in the bodybuilding circuit. It is also of great importance among athletes who intend to increase their skill and performance through its use. They mainly include athletes, cyclists, swimmers and powerlifters.
Equipoise is known to give a firm and defined appearance to the muscles rather than an inflated appearance, as is often the case with other steroids. This ability of the steroid makes it all the more popular among professionals seeking a steroid during the bulking phase of the cycle.
Side effects of equipment
Equipment as a steroid is considered to be quite mild. If at all, it causes very slow aromatization of estrogen in the body. This only happens if the steroid is taken in very large amounts for a very long period of time. Therefore, the retention of water that takes place in the tissues as a result is also very mild. Because Equipoise has the ability to convert to estrogen, it can cause effects such as gynecomastia in men at high doses. Thus, people who are sensitive to the drug during the initial dosing period should be careful and limit their dose. But to reduce the effect of aromatization in the body, Equipoise can always be combined with Novaldex, which makes its intake more acceptable. If side effects persist, the dosage should be combined with anti-aromatase compounds such as Femara, Amonasin or Arimidex.
Although Equipoise has mild androgenic properties, its long-term and long-term abuse can lead to the development of androgenic side effects such as skin, the development of acne, hair loss and increased aggression. In extreme cases, people can also suffer from sexual dysfunction. In women administering the steroid, there have been no obvious reports of developing virilization, but it has been shown to cause some androgenic side effects.
Equipoise is also known to cause certain depressive effects on the level of endogenous testosterone in the body. Therefore, it is important that the intake of a proper post-cycle therapy consisting of Clomid, Nolvadex and HCG is made as part of the end of each cycle to keep the occurrence of some form of “crash” in check. To make the treatment after the cycle more effective enough, a gap of about 3 weeks is recommended.
Equipment cycle
To ensure the presence of Equipoise in the bloodstream, it is imperative that the steroid be administered once a week to the body. The dose for men starts from about 400 mg to 600 mg per week, and in the case of women it should be within 50 mg to 150 mg per week. As mentioned earlier, Equipoise is among the steroids that ensure slow but steady gains. So if the user ingests it in large quantity with the intention of getting faster and better results, he is only prone to side effects. On the other hand, to speed up the results achieved by it, Equipoise is often stacked with Anadrol or some injectable testosterone. It must be mentioned that if Equipoise dosage is combined with a compound that has strong androgenic properties, the user is at very low risk of suffering from serious side effects caused by addiction.
Equipoise is known to be very beneficial when used in the cutting cycle as it can be combined with a non-aromatizable steroid such as a Winstrol, Halotestin or Trenbolone Acetate can help achieve remarkable results in terms of increased muscle strength and density.
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