Test-Cypionate Sterling Knight 10 ml vial [200 mg / 1 ml]
Testosterone Cypionate is a long-acting formulation of testosterone that is indicated in the treatment of individuals who have absent or very low levels of the hormone. It is sometimes known as Depo testosterone.
Testosterone is esterified and is thus quite long-acting. It is only available in one injection form. The anabolic steroid is usually dissolved in sesame or cottonseed oil and injected into the buttocks. The drug is slowly released from the injection site for about 7-12 days.
The formulation comes as a white milky powder and is insoluble in water but freely soluble in most organic solvents including vegetable oil.
The body normally produces sex hormones such as testosterone which are responsible for the normal growth and development of secondary sexual functions. This includes growth of the prostate, testicles, penis, scrotum, body hair, vocal cord thickening, changes in body fat and muscle. When testosterone deficiency occurs, the secondary sexual characteristics and body growth are always abnormal. Thus, one of the indications for testosterone therapy is in the treatment of individuals who lack testosterone or are infertile.
Indications for use
Testosterone Cypionate is used to treat conditions that have been done where testosterone is not secreted as:
primary failure of the test to make the hormone
failure of the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins
Testosterone and its analogues are often used by athletes and bodybuilders. The steroid is taken mainly to strengthen the body and stimulate the psyche. Most bodybuilders who take this drug claim that it causes spontaneous energy deficiencies associated with increased aggression. This function of the drug is mainly used by weightlifters and professional wrestlers. Many athletes also claim that the drug improves their ability to train at intense levels.
Testosterone has moderate anabolic properties but is also a powerful androgenic agent.
Because the drug is given by injection, its effects on the body are not rapid. You may not see any effects for at least 3-4 weeks after starting the injection. Unlike oral testosterone, the injected formulations last longer in the body.
When taken for more than 4-6 weeks, it can increase body mass and protein anabolism. But for the body to build muscle, one must also eat a high-calorie diet. Most bodybuilders also take a combination of other hormones at the same time. Because testosterone is converted to estrogen in adipose tissue, there is always a chance of developing gynecomastia and water retention. To prevent this, most bodybuilders add Arimidex or tamoxifen during the off-cycle.
During testosterone injections, the natural body’s testosterone release is inhibited by feedback mechanism by inhibiting the pituitary gland LH. At high doses, even spermatogenesis can be impaired. To allow the hypothalamic pituitary axis to recover, it is strongly recommended that the drug taper slowly over a period of a few weeks. Sudden discontinuation of the drug can lead to extreme fatigue, weight loss and susceptibility to fractures.
Side effects
When Testosterone Cypionate is injected in low doses, the side effects are rare. However, long-term use is known to be associated with a varied number of side effects – all of which are reversible when the drug is stopped. For the woman who decides to take testosterone, there are virilizing side effects that are not always reversible when the drug is stopped. Like all anabolic steroids, testosterone also has a number of side effects that include:
nausea, vomiting,
abdominal cramps, diarrhea
reduced / decreased libido
acne, oily skin
mental change including anger, depression, insomnia
loss of hair
When taken by women, the drug can definitely cause virilizing effects such as:
deepening of the voice
excess hair growth
enlarged clitoris
irregular menstrual cycles
Testosterone Cypionate is converted to estrogen in adipose tissue. Estrogen than leads to the development of breast enlargement and water retention. This effect is normally seen after the steroid has been used for more than four weeks. Gynecomastia is reversed when the steroid is stopped.
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