Methandienone (Danabol) is definitely the most famous steroid in the world. Beginners are very attracted to this oral steroid as it provides increases in rapid mass and strength. Although it is not the first steroid in the world (the first steroid was testosterone propionate), it was the first steroid used on a large scale by anyone.
Danabol is the world’s most famous steroid that has ever existed. Although in the injectable form, it remains preferred as tablets. Methandienone was the first steroid to improve physical performance.
Danabol has an anabolic and androgenic score of 40-60 out of 100. It is probably one of the most synergistic steroids. It is not an alkaline steroid, it can be used alone in a steroid cycle.
It has an amazing ability to increase the performance of other steroids that it is combined with. This is why it is always used with other steroids to get greater effects. This makes it possible to accumulate an impressive muscle mass in just a few weeks. Danabol is a steroid that helps very much to recover the body after intense workouts and greatly increases strength. Methandienone is not used during defining periods because it has an increased ability to retain water in the body. It is advisable not to have a hypercaloric diet as it can lead to excessive weight gain.
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