Oxandro 10 mg 100 tabs of British Dispensary
One of the mildest and perhaps most effective tolerated anabolic steroids on the market Oxandrolone has become very popular among performance enhancers, especially in the female community, but is still a staple in the treatment of many muscle wasting diseases. While Anavar is not a very powerful steroid, milligram by milligram, it is one of the weakest ever made, but it stands out as the most side-friendly with the strong majority of effects only of a positive nature.
As an oral anabolic steroid, Anavar once becomes active in the bloodstream very quickly, which is also a very common property of most oral anabolic steroids and especially those that carry a DHT nature. While the initial activity is very fast, the total active duration is consequently very short because Anavar only has a half-life of about 9 hours, which means that dosing is often needed. With a 9-hour half-life, most people will find an administration of the hormone twice daily that is optimal if the peak levels of the hormone are to be maintained in the blood. No, twice daily administration is not an absolute necessity, once daily can still bring many benefits and many women whose doses will be quite low often choose this route, as do many clinical patients.
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