boldenone undecylenate
Boldenone 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP buy cheap. Mass and quality steroid par excellence – Boldenone undecylenate! Vascularity, massive pumping and qualitative muscle building characterize this steroid. Due to its minor side effects, compared to other anabolic steroids, 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP / Boldenone undecylenate is becoming increasingly popular.
Undecylenate (250 mg Swiss Remedies USP) is used as a competition steroid, quality steroid, diet steroid, mass steroid.
250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Also used by women. The anabolic component is strong and the androgenic component is medium.
The duration of use of is 12-24 weeks and longer!
Boldenone is also known as Equiplex 200, Ganabol, undecylenate, Equipoise, Boldabol, EQ, Equigan, Bolde.
B250 mg Swiss Remedies USP benefits:
The steroid 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Is a mass and quality steroid with massive muscle building
250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Cycle / Cure provides fat-free muscle mass of very high quality
Vascular appearance with 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Application
The use of 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP causes an extreme formation of red blood cells
Converted about 50% less to estrogen than testosterone
Low side effects compared to other steroids!
the biggest benefit:
boldenone effekt
The big advantage of 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP is that this steroid produces very little estrogen. Experience has shown that the conversion rate is about half of testosterone (testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, testosterone mix)! An additional intake of Anastrozole Arimidex SANDOZ is another option. Although Boldenone 250 Mg Swiss Remedies USP is not known as a “classic” mass steroid, this anabolic steroid still provides a constant mass gain as well as strong gains in muscle mass and strength.
250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Usually used for longer cycles / steroid regimens. According to experience, the steroid regimen is applied for 12-24 weeks. A solid muscle build with very vinous water deposits and a decent increase in strength characterizes this steroid.
250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Is an injectable testosterone derivative originally derived from veterinary medicine. 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP / Boldenone undecylenate is very moderately androgenic! However, the anabolic component is somewhat more pronounced, which provides great benefits, especially in the build-up phase.
A well-known pharmaceutical manufacturer, Boldenon, patented in 1949 and introduced it in veterinary medicine under the name “Equipoise” in the 70’s. Where Boldenone 250 Mg Swiss Remedies USP Until today the only official application. Boldenone is used especially in horses and cattle. 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP is known for mainly building high quality masses and thus reducing body fat. In this case, low-fat meat. The most famous is in this area Ganabol from Colombia. Until the late 90’s, Ganabol was the only way for bodybuilders to come up with this popular steroid. 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Similar to dianabol (methandienone), only the 17-alpha-alkylation is missing in boldenone differs both.Nevertheless, the effect of the two substances is completely opposite.
Combination with anabolic steroids:
Its Is extremely versatile. It is well compatible with other anabolic steroids (anabolic steroids). A possible combination could be, for example, 400 mg-800 mg boldenone per week in combination with 500 mg sustanone-testosterone mixture, testosterone enanthate, testosterone nypionate or drostanolone, oxandrolone, oxymetholone. This anabolic steroid can very well be combined with non-aromatizing steroids such as trenbolone acetate, stanozolol or testosterone propionate.
In fact, Boldenone 250 Mg Swiss Remedies USP A powerful anabolic effect and a low androgenic effect are very useful for building body mass – building muscle. Like all anabolic steroids, 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP increases nitrogen balance and protein synthesis. The drug 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP is also known to stimulate the kidneys and thus release EPO. EPO stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Bodybuilders use 250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Also likes to be an alternative to Nandrolone Decanoate.
250 mg Swiss Remedies USP Dosage and use:
250 mg Swiss Remedies USP take at least 12-24 weeks.
400 mg / week
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