Pharmaceutical name:
Boldenone undecylenate
Active life:
14-16 days
Average dose:
Men 400-600 mg / week; Women 50-150 mg / week
Water retention:
Steroid cycle:
cutting, bulking
BOLDENONE 250 MAGNUS PHARMA 250 mg / ml (10ML)
Boldenone – anabolic steroids known to athletes. In the markets of many countries also called Boldabol, boldebol, Equipoise.
drug is often used in medicine. It has long been evaluated and bodybuilding, where it is used as one of the best steroids for a set of muscle mass.
Unlike all other so-called steroids anabolic boldenone has a duration of 8 to 10 weeks.
He has a good combination of properties with other anabolic. The most common courses related to the combination with drugs such as testosterone, trenbolone. The weight marked course is one such combination is considered to be the most successful and effective.
In terms of drying rate, it is not only a drug that is taken alone, but can also be combined with other anabolic drugs. Mainly in combination with Winstrol and Anavar. These drugs also have good properties for burning fat and therefore merge into an integrated effect of the drug which is even higher and better.
Before starting a steroid cycle, we recommend that you consult a trainer or doctor. During the course determined by the masses, it is better to limit yourself to 6 weeks, as the drug can significantly suppress its own natural testosterone production.
At the end of two weeks after the end of boldenone it is recommended to take testosterone boosters. This is to ensure that the body of a bodybuilder activates the production of testosterone.
As in many other cases, the reception of the drug can also be combined with the methods of sports nutrition courses.
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